Saturday, June 13, 2009

D.W. Vocabulary

Here are the vocabulary lists. Chapter 4 is done and the others will follow soon. I haven't put any pictures on this page, so it's easy to print the list (or copy and paste it) but there are a few links to click on which will make the meaning of some words clearer.

If you have any questions about this vocabulary then put them here, but other questions should go on the main Drowned World page.

Chapter 4 Vocab


Ebony - A hard wood, usually dark brown or black

Amber - A hard, clear yellow substance, originally tree sap (which bugs often get caught in)

Magma - Hot molten rock, as comes out of a volcano

Cataclysm - Disaster

Embalmed - Covered in a liquid which becomes hard, and therefore protected and preserved

Subsidence - Collapse, sinking

Khaki - A light brown colour, often used for military uniforms

De rigueur - Necessary; fashionable

Sauntering - Walking casually

Ensemble - Outfit; selection of clothes

Systematic - Organised

Precautions - Things done to prevent danger or protect oneself

Largesse - Generosity; willingness to help

Saddled with - Being unable to avoid; having to deal with

Accumulating - Increasing in number; gathering

Accommodating - Helpful

Inedible - Cannot be eaten

Capacious - Large, having space for many things

Foie gras - A rich pâté made from duck liver

Filet mignon - An expensive cut of beef


Negligible - So small that it's not worth thinking about

Cache - Store; hidden supply

Gutted - With nothing left inside; everything taken

Siphoned - Sucked, drained

Crusoeism - Like Robinson Crusoe, who is shipwrecked and has to survive on an island, in the book by Daniel Defoe

Carrack - A type of ship used the 14th - 16th centuries

Thermostat - A sensor which changes the temperature automatically

Nominal - A small thing done just so you can say you've done something

Schema - Diagrams, plans

Calibrated - Balanced, matched with


Canopy - A covering which provides shelter from the sun or rain

Fend off - Push away

Hoisted - Lifted up

Tarmac - The black stuff used to make roads and sidewalks

Prow - The front end of a boat


Vented - Released, blown out

Ennui - Being bored; having a lack of energy; not caring

Penal battalion - A large number of military prisoners

Billeted - Put in a certain place; given a room or station

Ambiguously - Without a clear meaning

Distastefully - Not liking what he sees; not approving


Torpor - Having no energy; not wanting to do anything (similar to ennui)

Intently - With concentration and focus

Loud-hailer - Megaphone

Davit - A crane for lifting a boat

Medley - Mix


Furl - Roll up

Awning - (See canopy)

Spasm - When a body part moves without you wanting it to, or a muscle becomes tight

Putrescent - Becoming rotten; decaying

Groves - A small area of forest

Clumps - Groups, lumps, clusters


Smothering - Covering, drowning, suffocating

Protruded - Stuck out

Morass - Marsh, swamp; soft, wet ground

Acacia - A type of small tree

Tamarisk - A tropical plant

Wound - Moved in curves

Encroached - Moved into an area; went past the limits

Shoring - Piling up

Viaduct - A bridge with arches

Oozing - A thick liquid moving slowly

Fetid - Stinking, rotten

Cloaca Maxima - The main sewer system of Ancient Rome (very disgusting)

Profuse - Thick, a large amount of growth

Mottled - With spots of different colour

Palisade - A row of poles or stakes, usually as a defense

Soot - The black powder made by a smoky fire

Water-fowl - A bird that lives mostly on water

Buffeted - Pushed around, blown by the wind

Vapour - Steam

Diaphanous - Hazy; see-through

Vivid - With strong colours


Undulating - Moving up and down like waves

Signature - Trail, pattern

Abandoning - Giving up, stopping

Infinitesimal - Extremely small; so small it cannot be measured

Starboard - The right side of a boat

Vigil - Search, looking out for something

Sparrow - A small brown garden bird

Jutting - Sticking out

Dawdle - Move slowly

Rebuke - Telling off, criticism

Orderly - Hospital staff, assistant

Scows - A basic open boat

Paddle - (In this case) Be paddled

Perimiter - The edge, the outer limit of an area

Acre - A fairly large area of land (4047 square metres)

Honeycombed - With many holes (or, in this case, many separate buildings)

Derelict - Abandoned, no longer being used (and therefore in bad condition)

Winched - Lifted up on a rope


Evaporated - Disappeared (usually, when liquid becomes gas)

Impotence - A feeling of powerlessness, of not being able to do anything

Unshackling - Releasing, taking off

Exasperation - Annoyance, mild anger

Terrain - Land

Wake - The trail left in the water behind a boat

Principal - Main

Uncongested - Not crowded, clear

Inclination - Angle

Perch - Set down, land

Neo-Assyrian - In the style of an ancient civilization in what is now Iraq (this isn't that important)

Portico - A roof supported by columns


Vistas - A view across the land

Herodotus - An Ancient Greek historian

Rampart - Walls built on top of mounds of earth

Aegean Sea - Part of the Mediterranean Sea between Greece and Turkey

Polythene - A thin plastic

Fibre-glass - A light but strong material made of fine strings of glass

Eddying - Swirling, moving like a whirlpool

Wavelets - Small waves

Sentinel bird - A type of bird which watches things closely


Bower - A shady area, a leafy shelter

In default of any other - With nothing else available

Tributaries - Small rivers which join a larger one

Indented - Made to bend or curve slightly

Diverted - Forced to change direction


Silhouetted - Seen only as a black shape or outline

Gaunt - Thin, skinny (usually due to hunger or exhaustion)

Motives - Reasons for doing something

Explicit - Clear, obvious; explained

Full manifold pressure - Maximum power

Prophesied - Predicted, said would happen

Distal - Moving away from the original or main point

Hydrodynamic - (In this case) Made into smooth shapes by the water

Contours - Curves, bends

Loam - Rich soil, usually containing clay

Matting - Connecting together

Morass - (p.53)

Camouflaged - Disguised, coloured the same as the things around it

Makeshift - Temporary; made quickly

Ten to one... - It's very unlikely that we would see him

Murmured - Spoke too quietly to be understood; made noises without real words


Parallel - Moving next to each other in the same direction

Slab - A thick slice; a big, flat piece

Refuse - Rubbish, trash, waste

Immersed - Concentrating on, focused on

Distinct - Clear, obvious

Hauling - Dragging, pulling (a heavy object)

Crude - Rough; not nicely made; unfinished

Bocage - Decorative trees or plants

Adjacent - Next to

Autonomous - Separate; running by themselves; individual


Jauntily - In a lively and relaxed way

Diagnostic - Being able to understand or read a situation or problem

Caking - Drying and becoming solid

Lash down - Tie down, make secure with ropes or cables

Swim for it - Swim away, escape by swimming

Cradled - Held loosely

In the crook of his arm - In the bend of his elbow

Waved this aside - Made a "no problem" gesture


Cloacal - Like a sewer

Exuded - Came out slowly

Corona - A surrounding cloud (literally, a crown)

Pulsing - Beating (like a heart), moving in a regular rhythm

Nausea - Feeling sick

Gullet - Throat

Premonition - A vision or feeling about the future

Orientation - Arrangement, the way something is set up

Minatory - Threatening, suggesting danger

Myriad-handed - With very many hands (literally, ten thousand)

Mandala - A Hindu or Buddhist diagram of the universe

Inlays - The layer underneath the floorboards

Warily - Carefully

Skirting boards - The strip of wood along the bottom of a room's walls

Lathes - Strips of wood or other material

Intertwined - Tangled together, twisted around each other

Ramifying - Spreading out

Frantically - Excitedly; in a panic

Dispersing - Splitting up, going in different directions

Scuttered - Crawled quickly


Exacerbated - Made worse or stronger

Condescending - As if from a superior to an inferior

Play over - Move across

Surveying - Looking around, trying to spot something

Promontory - A piece of land that sticks out or up

Obelisk - A tall, carved piece of stone (like in Ancient Egypt)

Translucent - Light can pass through it

Counterpane - A bed cover

Motes - Little specks or particles, like floating dust


Colonnaded façade - The front of a building, with a row of columns

Register - Level

Carillon - A set of bells at the top of a tower

Dalinian - In the style of Salvador Dalí

Fused - Having become solid

Spatio-temporal - To do with space and time (i.e. the whole universe)

Clutter - Mess, untidiness

Debris - Broken pieces, remains

Unravelling - Becoming unwrapped


Jolt - A surprised jump

Stooped - Not standing straight

Clogged - Blocked, filled

Constraint - Being held back or tied down

Fatigue - Tiredness, exhaustion

Deltoid muscles - Shoulder muscles

Intensity - Concentration, strong feeling

Detachment - Not being connected, not interested

Banked - (A fire) covered with ash to make it burn slowly and for a long time

Elicited - Caused; got in return

Galvanic - Shocking; with a sudden burst of energy

Feinted - Dodged, faked

Parapet - A low wall


Banisters - The hand-rail of a staircase

Stock-still - Completely still

Demoniac - Like a demon

Damper - More damp, wetter

Oblivious - Not noticing

Seized - Grabbed, took hold of

Wrench - Pull (with difficulty)

Pacify - Calm someone down, make peaceful

Phlegm - Mucus, like when you have a cold

Staccato - With short, sharp sounds

Exhaust - The steam or gas coming out of a machine

Tableau - Picture, scene

Assuming - Thinking, believing

Roused - Woken up, distracted


Precariously - Carefully, trying to keep balance

Cuffed - Hit, knocked

Merged - Joined together, connected

Pursued - Chased

Ascending - Rising

Pot-holes - Small holes in the ground

Tier - Level

Cobbled - Made of round stones

Shambles - Mess, bad situation

Pounding away - Running heavily, with effort


Sedate - Quiet, calm

Magnolia - A type of flower

Ionic - An Ancient Greek style of building

Sham-Parthenon - In the style of the Parthenon

Stumbled - Almost fell over

Scalding - Burning (usually used for hot water)

Diminishing - Becoming smaller

Bludgeoning - Beating, pounding

Billowing - Blowing, expanding

Agonised - With a lot of pain

Lashed - Smashed


Porpoised - Dived like a porpoise (a type of dolphin)

Shattered - Broken into pieces, smashed

Eccentrically - Strangely, crazily

Subside - Reduce, become less; pass by

Glare - A wide, bright light

Necropolis - A large cemetery, usually in an ancient city

Zenith - Peak, highest point

Morphine - A drug that reduces pain

Spectral - Ghostly

Thermal gradients - Levels or layers of hot air

Entranced - Under a spell; hypnotized


Skirting - Moving round

Incline - Slope (going up)

Acknowledging - Recognizing; accepting

Fractionally - Slightly

Plunged - Ran quickly

Dispirited - Without spirit; ready to give up

Restraining - Holding him back

Undeterred - Not stopped, not affected

Furnace - A large fire, like on a steam train or steam ship

Crest - The top of a hill or high point of land

Incandescent - Burning white

School - Group

Sidling - Moving slightly closer

Braying - Making harsh cries, like donkeys


Raucous - Noisy, harsh

Enigmatically - Mysteriously

Nursing - Taking care of; waiting to recover from

Odyssey - A long, hard journey (usually with a goal or aim)

Meridian - At midday

Amnionic - As a baby in the womb

Chapter 5


Luminous - Glowing

Opaque - Something you can't really see through

Discern - See by looking closely

Glimmering - Glittering, shining

Pulsing - Beating (like a heart); moving in waves

Limestone - A white type of stone

Diffused - Spread out

Opalescent - Shining but also milky

Discharged - Released, sent out

Myriads - Thousands, many

Phosphorescing - Giving off natural light

Animalcula - Very tiny organisms

Shoals - Groups


Entwined - Twisted together

Writhing - Wriggling, twisting

Flung - Thrown

Strutting - Walking stiffly

Indistinguishable - Looking or sounding the same

Solar flares - Waves of gas and plasma thrown out by the sun

Mesmeric - Hypnotizing, putting one in a trance

Baying - Shouting; barking like dogs

Dissolving - Disappearing; becoming liquid

Thudding - Thumping, pounding

Suffocating - Making one unable to breathe

Burst - Exploded, squashed

Marrow - A vegetable like a big courgette

Inflamed - Angry; painful; made bigger

Spectral - Like a ghost

Auditory threshold - The level of volume at which one can hear things

Reverberating - Echoing; bouncing

Pelagic - In the deep ocean

Reagent benches - Equipment for doing experiments

Persisted - Continued


Pantheon - Collection

Tutelary - Something that guards or protects

Over-burdened - Carrying too many things

Psyche - Mind, consciousness

Telepath - Someone who can read minds

Archetypes - An unconscious idea or thought that everone has deep down

Restive - Impatient, restless

Anima - The inner, unconscious personality

Persona - The outer, public face people create for themselves

Ego - The part of the mind that connects with the outside world

Id - The unconscious, inner part of the mind

Spire - Tower

Self-sufficiency - Being able to survive alone

Sedative - A drug to calm someone down or help them sleep

Oblique - Unclear

Inevitable - Unavoidable, cannot be stopped from happening

Prognosis - What is likely to happen (usually used for diseases)

Irrevocable - (See inevitable)

Incurable - Cannot be cured

Omission - Leaving out; not doing something

Minimal - Small

Placidly - Calmly

Unobtrusively - Without disturbing

Febrile - With a fever, i.e. hot and/or shaking

Fata morgana - A visual illusion in which layers of hot air look like water

Terminal lagoon - A lagoon in which a river finishes (though in this case it is a metaphor; the 'river' is the human mind)

Rueful - Unhappy or with regret


Pensively - Thoughtfully

Recurrent - Repeated

Blunt - Direct, without worrying about other people's feelings

A tribute to... - Something which shows or demonstrates a quality or strength

Preconscious - Just below the conscious surface of the mind

Figuratively - Metaphorically

Precipitating - Making something happen more quickly

Corporate - Shared by many people

Spectrum - A range of colours

Forlorn - Without hope

Lungeing - Diving, jumping forward

Latent - Lying hidden or not active

Manifest - Visible, revealed


Golgotha - The hill where Jesus was crucified

Gomorrah - A city destroyed in the Bible because the people there behaved sinfully

Phenobarbitone - A sedative drug

Residues - The remaining parts

Organic - Natural; part of the basic structure of something

Ascending - Rising

Innate - Natural; something you are born with

Cytoplasm - A substance inside living cells

Spinal levels - Different sections of the spine

Neuronic psyche - The 'consciousness' contained in nerves and cells, rather than in the mind

Lumbar transfer - Something being passed from the spine to the mind

Biopsychic recall - Remembering with both the mind and the body

Companionway - A stair or ladder inside a boat

Briskly - Quickly

Amiably - In a friendly way

Litter - Mess, untidiness

Subordinates - People of lower rank


Embarkation - Departure, leaving

Glassy - Dull; tired

Gesticulating - Gesturing

Immense - Huge

Hallucinatory - Causing one to see things which aren't there

Diminished - Made smaller, with fewer things

Subliminal - Below the level of consciousness

Dapple - Reflect unevenly

Underhang - A part that sticks out

Curiously - Strangely, funnily

Quarter - An area of a city

Planetarium - A building in which you can see the night sky and the planets

Re-align - Correct the settings

Fucus - A type of brown seaweed

The Water Babies - A book published in 1863 about a boy who finds an underwater world

Nomadic - Always moving from place to place

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